
Children's Habit

Oc, for this last posting, I want to share you about a man who give more attention about children's development. His name is Piaget. Piaget is the master in children’s education and development. One of Piaget’s assumptions of children behavior is that the children construct their own knowledge in response to their experiences. For my point of view, I agree with this statement. It is not because Piaget is the master of this but because the statement is true. For example when the children look at the bird and they do not know what the thing is. So, they ask their parents. And the parents say, the thing that can fly is bird. In the next time, when the children look everything that can fly, they will say that is a bird although they saw perhaps butterfly, dragonfly, or even airplane. From this example, we can conclude that the first experience of children will be saved in their mind and become their behavior. So, for the best result, we as parents should show them many kinds of thing that can fly and describe it one by one. So, the children will know clearly and can separate them easily. 

Oc, I think that is the very common example for you so you can understand it easily. 
Hoppe you get a new thing.

Posted by : Evandreas Teguh


She chalk she chalk die thin think
Die am die am mere I up
That tank see a core jump mug
Hope, loud you die tank cup

That is kind of language changes from Indonesia song to English extremely. It is funny, isn't it???hahahahahah
Oc, but now, I don't want to teach you to sing, but it is about the language.

There are many things about the language in children's life. There are also some problems in it. For example when they are at school. In English time, they usually still using Indonesia to communicate each other. It is not only because Indonesia is their mother tongue, but also they still not used English to speak. And how about the different culture of each individual? It also can make a long distance between children. When student A can speak Chinese but cannot speak Indonesia, they usually play with other students that like that and avoid the students who can speak Indonesia but cannot speak Chinese. That just like a trademark that we should change. And then about the language varieties and accent. Every person/ child has his/her own variety and accent. For example, English student from Java, her/his English has a Java accent surely. It is not a fault, but it is natural. Don't worry.  The last, when a student master many language, it is a great advantages. Because he/she not only can communicate with many kinds of people, but also he/she can change their language easily to give a strong explanation or comment.
So, if it is not too late, learn language as much as possible, if it is already late, you can teach your children in the future to give more attention about language. And we are in a right way now, just more active to learn and learn.

Posted by : Evandreas Teguh


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So, what are you waiting for ? Just enter www.wallwisher.com

Evandreas Teguh



Waw, its been so long not to see you guys. Now, Im back and I wanna share another exciting thing of our material.
Today, I wanna share about the entertainment. There are three kinds of facilities that nowadays many people even children use to entertain themselves.

1. TV
Nowadays, there is no house without a TV. I mean almost all of people in this world know, ever, even everyday watch TV. Children also often watch TV. For entertain their-self, TV is very suitable. Because it is not only easy to find but also very educative. There are many educative channel that will influence students's habit.


Great Wimba Voice 6.0

This is the link that I've shared in ontell. You can read it clearly here.

Please write down your comment!

Evandreas teguh


From the family, children start his/her journey to be a good human in this world. They start to understand the environment in the family first. The family make his/her children adapted with the environment and the children must be able adapted with his/her family. After he/she adapted and know about many things that they learn from they family, they are ready to start a new journey to the outside of family.

It was school environment, they met new people. From teachers, other students, school cleaner, and "Bibi" or "Mamang" that sell some foods and drinks in or outside the schools. They start to adapt on a new environment. First of all, it was friends, they start to communicate with other child, she/he try to introduce themselves to other child. In the introducing, the teachers play it role, they trains the students. They make the students know how do they introduce themselves. After they know each other, he/she start to talk, they communicate. Every time they meet in the school, communicate happens. After a long time, unconsciously they make a friend. 



Teachers has important role for the children. As we know that teachers are models, on the eye of their students the teachers must be good, they must be have a good manner and explicit when they teach on the class. Their mission is to educate the students to be a good human, because of that they must be professional on developing their job as a teacher.


Right now, we live on the age of the multimedia system that develop our live better than ever we have. All human in the earth get the effect for the incoming of this great technology from adult, teenager, and children. Just like about our blog theme, so in this post I post about the effect of internet for children.



The last material before mid term test is hobby. Hobby is an activity that we do in a spare time to relaxing our mind. mind. I think everybody should have their own hobby. The activity that they often do even not in a spare time. Like me, I love playing football, drawing, and watching. But, in this post, we will talk a hobby that has a relationship with children's education.

I think that we should realize, children will happy when they do their hobby. It is better, if their hobby is studying. But, it is not always happen. For me, studying is boring and I hate the study's time. So, what should we do if our little brother or sister, cousins, or maybe children don't like study. Hobby is the answer.
There are three ways to make your little brother or sister, cousins, or maybe children love the study's time.

Study Group

Next, the third environment from me is about ...

Wait! Don't to enthusiastic...hehe
Before you read more, watch this video... 

Do you love study in group?



Today, we will talk more about the children's environment. Beside the family, there is other environment that closer to them. This environment is invisible and only the children that can feel it. What I mean is curiosity.

Curiosity is a kind of feeling to know everything around us. But, this feeling is not only for children, teenagers and adult also have this feeling. But, usually the children have more curiosity than other age. If you have little sister or brother, cousin, or child, you can see their behavior when they found a new thing. If it is a thing that can be touched, usually they will watch it seriously, and then they will try to touch or maybe bite it. But if it is a "a-thing", like a words or phrases or situation. They will ask us that older than them continuously. For example, we have influenza until our nose become red. They will ask us like this :



For the second thing is about friends. As we know that every children in this world have friend/friends. they have friends of the same age, even for the different age. In this case, they start to show what have he/she get from the smallest part of society (family). They know which one is good as a friend, and which is not good.



Oc guys...
For the very first thing that I want to share is about family. Family is one of the  kinds of environment that we have told before. As we know, family is the smallest part of society. So, I think family is very suitable as the first environment that influence the students study habit.

When we talk about family, it is about the conducive in it. Children or students will get more power to study when they know that their family always

support and give them more spirit. This support or spirit from the parents has a relation to students psychology. It also has a tight related about the student and situation when they study.
Imagine that if a student studies after he/she got angry by his/her parents. Can he/she study well? I think the answer is absolutely "No".
Student is like a sailing ship that the direction of it depends on the wind. When the wind towards to left, the sailing ship also move to the left and when the wind towards to right, the sailing ship also move to the right.
I mean that one of the things that influences the children habit to study is family. Like I said before, the conducive, the comfort, and the peace of the house is what the children need.



Childhood is an important period in education because, how success someone in the future mostly depends on how well he/she study when they are childhood. Where and who they study with also important to know.

They can learn about everything in the school or at home. The teacher and parents have an important role to teach and care about them but, they are not only the one that can teach them.

The environment also has a big portion to develop or abuse children.

From this blog, you and you and you will know more about a pretty big portion of children’s environments in expand and affect them.